use std::path::PathBuf;
use crate::block::Block;
use crate::context::ScopeContext;
use crate::effect::validate_effect;
use crate::everything::Everything;
use crate::fileset::{FileEntry, FileHandler};
use crate::game::Game;
use crate::helpers::TigerHashMap;
use crate::item::Item;
use crate::on_action::on_action_scopecontext;
use crate::parse::ParserMemory;
use crate::pdxfile::PdxFile;
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
use crate::report::{err, warn, ErrorKey};
use crate::scopes::Scopes;
use crate::token::Token;
use crate::tooltipped::Tooltipped;
use crate::trigger::validate_trigger;
use crate::validate::{validate_duration, validate_modifiers_with_base};
use crate::validator::Validator;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct OnActions {
on_actions: TigerHashMap<&'static str, OnAction>,
impl OnActions {
fn load_item(&mut self, key: Token, block: Block) {
if let Some(other) = self.on_actions.get_mut(key.as_str()) {
other.add(key, block);
} else {
self.on_actions.insert(key.as_str(), OnAction::new(key, block));
pub fn exists(&self, key: &str) -> bool {
pub fn iter_keys(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Token> {
self.on_actions.values().map(|item| &item.actions[0].0)
pub fn validate(&self, data: &Everything) {
for item in self.on_actions.values() {
pub fn validate_call(&self, key: &Token, data: &Everything, sc: &mut ScopeContext) {
if let Some(action) = self.on_actions.get(key.as_str()) {
action.validate_call(data, sc);
impl FileHandler<Block> for OnActions {
fn subpath(&self) -> PathBuf {
match Game::game() {
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
Game::Ck3 => PathBuf::from("common/on_action"),
#[cfg(feature = "imperator")]
Game::Imperator => PathBuf::from("common/on_action"),
#[cfg(feature = "vic3")]
Game::Vic3 => PathBuf::from("common/on_actions"),
fn load_file(&self, entry: &FileEntry, parser: &ParserMemory) -> Option<Block> {
if !entry.filename().to_string_lossy().ends_with(".txt") {
return None;
PdxFile::read(entry, parser)
fn handle_file(&mut self, _entry: &FileEntry, mut block: Block) {
for (key, block) in block.drain_definitions_warn() {
self.load_item(key, block);
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct OnAction {
actions: Vec<(Token, Block)>,
impl OnAction {
pub fn new(key: Token, block: Block) -> Self {
Self { actions: vec![(key, block)] }
pub fn add(&mut self, key: Token, block: Block) {
self.actions.push((key, block));
pub fn validate(&self, data: &Everything) {
let mut seen_trigger = false;
let mut seen_effect = false;
for (key, block) in self.actions.iter().rev() {
let mut sc = if let Some(builtin_sc) = on_action_scopecontext(key, data) {
} else {
let mut generated_sc = ScopeContext::new(Scopes::non_primitive(), key);
validate_on_action_internal(block, data, &mut sc, &mut seen_trigger, &mut seen_effect);
pub fn validate_call(&self, data: &Everything, sc: &mut ScopeContext) {
let mut seen_trigger = false;
let mut seen_effect = false;
for (_, block) in self.actions.iter().rev() {
validate_on_action_internal(block, data, sc, &mut seen_trigger, &mut seen_effect);
fn validate_on_action_internal(
block: &Block,
data: &Everything,
sc: &mut ScopeContext,
seen_trigger: &mut bool,
seen_effect: &mut bool,
) {
let mut vd = Validator::new(block, data);
vd.field_validated_block("trigger", |block, data| {
if !*seen_trigger {
*seen_trigger = true;
validate_trigger(block, data, sc, Tooltipped::No);
vd.field_validated_block_sc("weight_multiplier", sc, validate_modifiers_with_base);
vd.field_validated_block("effect", |block, data| {
if !*seen_effect {
*seen_effect = true;
validate_effect(block, data, sc, Tooltipped::No);
let mut count = 0;
#[allow(unused_variables)] vd.multi_field_validated_key_block("events", |key, b, data| {
let mut vd = Validator::new(b, data);
vd.multi_field_validated_block_sc("delay", sc, validate_duration);
for token in vd.values() {
data.verify_exists(Item::Event, token);, sc);
if let Some(mut event_sc) = sc.root_for_event(token) {, data, &mut event_sc);
count += 1;
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")] if Game::is_ck3() && count == 2 {
let msg = format!("not sure if multiple `{key}` blocks in one on_action work");
let info = "try combining them into one block";
count = 0;
#[allow(unused_variables)] vd.multi_field_validated_key_block("random_events", |key, b, data| {
let mut vd = Validator::new(b, data);
vd.field_numeric("chance_to_happen"); vd.field_script_value("chance_of_no_event", sc);
vd.multi_field_validated_block_sc("delay", sc, validate_duration); for (_key, token) in vd.integer_values() {
if"0") {
data.verify_exists(Item::Event, token);, sc);
if let Some(mut event_sc) = sc.root_for_event(token) {, data, &mut event_sc);
count += 1;
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")] if Game::is_ck3() && count == 2 {
let msg = format!("multiple `{key}` blocks in one on_action do not work");
let info = "try putting each into its own on_action and firing those separately";
count = 0;
#[allow(unused_variables)] vd.multi_field_validated_key_block("first_valid", |key, b, data| {
let mut vd = Validator::new(b, data);
for token in vd.values() {
data.verify_exists(Item::Event, token);, sc);
if let Some(mut event_sc) = sc.root_for_event(token) {, data, &mut event_sc);
count += 1;
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")] if Game::is_ck3() && count == 2 {
let msg = format!("not sure if multiple `{key}` blocks in one on_action work");
let info = "try putting each into its own on_action and firing those separately";
count = 0;
#[allow(unused_variables)] vd.multi_field_validated_key_block("on_actions", |key, b, data| {
let mut vd = Validator::new(b, data);
vd.multi_field_validated_block_sc("delay", sc, validate_duration);
for token in vd.values() {
data.verify_exists(Item::OnAction, token);
if let Some(mut action_sc) = sc.root_for_action(token) {
data.on_actions.validate_call(token, data, &mut action_sc);
count += 1;
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")] if Game::is_ck3() && count == 2 {
let msg = format!("not sure if multiple `{key}` blocks in one on_action work");
let info = "try combining them into one block";
count = 0;
#[allow(unused_variables)] vd.multi_field_validated_key_block("random_on_action", |key, b, data| {
let mut vd = Validator::new(b, data);
vd.field_numeric("chance_to_happen"); vd.field_script_value("chance_of_no_event", sc);
for (_key, token) in vd.integer_values() {
if"0") {
data.verify_exists(Item::OnAction, token);
if let Some(mut action_sc) = sc.root_for_action(token) {
data.on_actions.validate_call(token, data, &mut action_sc);
count += 1;
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")] if Game::is_ck3() && count == 2 {
let msg = format!("not sure if multiple `{key}` blocks in one on_action work");
let info = "try putting each into its own on_action and firing those separately";
count = 0;
#[allow(unused_variables)] vd.multi_field_validated_key_block("first_valid_on_action", |key, b, data| {
let mut vd = Validator::new(b, data);
for token in vd.values() {
data.verify_exists(Item::OnAction, token);
if let Some(mut action_sc) = sc.root_for_action(token) {
data.on_actions.validate_call(token, data, &mut action_sc);
count += 1;
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")] if Game::is_ck3() && count == 2 {
let msg = format!("not sure if multiple `{key}` blocks in one on_action work");
let info = "try putting each into its own on_action and firing those separately";
vd.field_action("fallback", sc);
#[cfg(feature = "vic3")]
pub fn validate_on_action(block: &Block, data: &Everything, sc: &mut ScopeContext) {
let mut seen_trigger = false;
let mut seen_effect = false;
validate_on_action_internal(block, data, sc, &mut seen_trigger, &mut seen_effect);