use std::fs::{metadata, File};
use std::io::{Read, Result};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use crate::fileset::{FileEntry, FileHandler};
use crate::helpers::TigerHashMap;
use crate::parse::ParserMemory;
use crate::report::{err, tips, warn, ErrorKey};
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
use crate::token::Token;
const DDS_HEADER_SIZE: usize = 124;
const DDS_HEIGHT_OFFSET: usize = 12;
const DDS_WIDTH_OFFSET: usize = 16;
fn from_le32(buffer: &[u8], offset: usize) -> u32 {
| (u32::from(buffer[offset + 1]) << 8)
| (u32::from(buffer[offset + 2]) << 16)
| (u32::from(buffer[offset + 3]) << 24)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct DdsFiles {
dds_files: TigerHashMap<String, DdsInfo>,
impl DdsFiles {
fn load_dds(entry: &FileEntry) -> Result<Option<DdsInfo>> {
if metadata(entry.fullpath())?.len() == 0 {
warn(ErrorKey::ImageFormat).msg("empty file").loc(entry).push();
return Ok(None);
let mut f = File::open(entry.fullpath())?;
let mut buffer = [0; DDS_HEADER_SIZE];
f.read_exact(&mut buffer)?;
if buffer.starts_with(b"\x89PNG") {
let msg = "actually a PNG";
let info =
"this may be slower and lower quality because PNG format does not have mipmaps";
return Ok(None);
if !buffer.starts_with(b"DDS ") {
err(ErrorKey::ImageFormat).msg("not a DDS file").loc(entry).push();
return Ok(None);
fn handle_dds(&mut self, entry: &FileEntry, info: DdsInfo) {
self.dds_files.insert(entry.path().to_string_lossy().to_string(), info);
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
pub fn validate_frame(&self, key: &Token, width: u32, height: u32, frame: u32) {
if let Some(info) = self.dds_files.get(key.as_str()) {
if info.height != height {
let msg = format!("texture does not match frame height of {height}");
} else if width == 0 || (info.width % width) != 0 {
let msg = format!("texture is not a multiple of frame width {width}");
} else if frame * width > info.width {
let msg = format!("texture is not large enough for frame index {frame}");
impl FileHandler<DdsInfo> for DdsFiles {
fn subpath(&self) -> PathBuf {
fn load_file(&self, entry: &FileEntry, _parser: &ParserMemory) -> Option<DdsInfo> {
if !entry.filename().to_string_lossy().ends_with(".dds") {
return None;
match Self::load_dds(entry) {
Ok(info) => info,
Err(e) => {
.msg("could not read dds header")
fn handle_file(&mut self, entry: &FileEntry, info: DdsInfo) {
self.handle_dds(entry, info);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct DdsInfo {
#[allow(dead_code)] width: u32,
#[allow(dead_code)] height: u32,
impl DdsInfo {
pub fn new(header: &[u8]) -> Self {
let height = from_le32(header, DDS_HEIGHT_OFFSET);
let width = from_le32(header, DDS_WIDTH_OFFSET);
Self { width, height }