use std::path::PathBuf;
use lalrpop_util::{lalrpop_mod, ParseError};
use crate::block::{Block, Comparator, Eq};
use crate::fileset::{FileEntry, FileKind};
use crate::parse::cob::Cob;
use crate::parse::pdxfile::lexer::{LexError, Lexeme, Lexer};
use crate::parse::pdxfile::memory::CombinedMemory;
pub use crate::parse::pdxfile::memory::PdxfileMemory;
use crate::parse::ParserMemory;
use crate::report::{err, store_source_file, ErrorKey};
use crate::token::{leak, Loc, Token};
mod lexer;
pub mod memory;
lalrpop_mod! {
parser, "/parse/pdxfile/"
pub fn parse_pdx_macro(inputs: &[Token], global: &PdxfileMemory, local: &PdxfileMemory) -> Block {
let mut combined = CombinedMemory::from_local(global, local.clone());
match parser::FileParser::new().parse(inputs, &mut combined, Lexer::new(inputs)) {
Ok(block) => block,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Internal error: re-parsing macro failed.\n{e}");
fn parse_pdx(entry: &FileEntry, content: &'static str, memory: &ParserMemory) -> Block {
let file_loc = Loc::from(entry);
let mut loc = file_loc;
loc.line = 1;
loc.column = 1;
let inputs = [Token::from_static_str(content, loc)];
let mut combined = CombinedMemory::new(&memory.pdxfile);
match parser::FileParser::new().parse(&inputs, &mut combined, Lexer::new(&inputs)) {
Ok(mut block) => {
block.loc = file_loc;
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Internal error: parsing file {} failed.\n{e}", entry.path().display());
pub fn parse_pdx_file(
entry: &FileEntry,
content: String,
offset: usize,
parser: &ParserMemory,
) -> Block {
let content = leak(content);
store_source_file(entry.fullpath().to_path_buf(), &content[offset..]);
parse_pdx(entry, &content[offset..], parser)
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
pub fn parse_reader_export(
entry: &FileEntry,
content: String,
offset: usize,
global: &mut PdxfileMemory,
) {
let content = leak(content);
store_source_file(entry.fullpath().to_path_buf(), &content[offset..]);
let content = &content[offset..];
let mut loc = Loc::from(entry);
loc.line = 1;
loc.column = 1;
let inputs = [Token::from_static_str(content, loc)];
let mut combined = CombinedMemory::new(global);
match parser::FileParser::new().parse(&inputs, &mut combined, Lexer::new(&inputs)) {
Ok(_) => {
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Internal error: parsing file {} failed.\n{e}", entry.path().display());
pub fn parse_pdx_internal(input: &'static str, desc: &str) -> Block {
let entry = FileEntry::new(PathBuf::from(desc), FileKind::Internal, PathBuf::from(desc));
parse_pdx(&entry, input, &ParserMemory::default())
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum MacroComponentKind {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct MacroComponent {
kind: MacroComponentKind,
token: Token,
impl MacroComponent {
pub fn kind(&self) -> MacroComponentKind {
pub fn token(&self) -> &Token {
fn split_macros(token: &Token) -> Vec<MacroComponent> {
let mut vec = Vec::new();
let mut index_loc = (0, token.loc);
for lex in Lexer::new(&[token.clone()]).flatten() {
if let (start, Lexeme::MacroParam(param), end) = lex {
vec.push(MacroComponent {
kind: MacroComponentKind::Source,
token: token.subtoken(index_loc.0..start, index_loc.1),
index_loc = (end, param.loc);
index_loc.1.column += 1 + param.as_str().chars().count() as u32;
vec.push(MacroComponent { kind: MacroComponentKind::Macro, token: param });
vec.push(MacroComponent {
kind: MacroComponentKind::Source,
token: token.subtoken(index_loc.0.., index_loc.1),
type HasMacroParams = bool;
fn define_var(memory: &mut CombinedMemory, token: &Token, cmp: Comparator, value: Token) {
let name = match token.as_str().strip_prefix('@') {
Some(name) => name,
None => token.as_str(),
if !matches!(cmp, Comparator::Equals(Eq::Single)) {
let msg = format!("expected `{name} =`");
if memory.has_variable(name) {
let msg = format!("`{name}` is already defined as a reader variable");
} else if !name.starts_with(|c: char| c.is_ascii_alphabetic()) {
let msg = "reader variable names must start with an ascii letter";
} else {
memory.set_variable(name.to_string(), value);
fn warn_macros(token: &Token, has_macro_params: bool) {
if has_macro_params {
let msg = "$-substitutions only work inside blocks";
fn report_error(error: ParseError<usize, Lexeme, LexError>, mut file_loc: Loc) {
match error {
ParseError::InvalidToken { location: _ } | ParseError::User { error: _ } => unreachable!(),
ParseError::UnrecognizedEof { location: _, expected: _ } => {
let msg = "unexpected end of file";
file_loc.line = 0;
file_loc.column = 0;
ParseError::UnrecognizedToken { token: (_, lexeme, _), expected: _ }
| ParseError::ExtraToken { token: (_, lexeme, _) } => {
let msg = format!("unexpected {lexeme}");
let token = lexeme.into_token();
fn get_numeric_var(memory: &CombinedMemory, name: &Token) -> f64 {
if let Some(value) = name.get_number() {
} else if let Some(v) = memory.get_variable(name.as_str()) {
if let Some(value) = v.get_number() {
} else {
let msg = format!("expected reader variable `{name}` to be numeric");
err(ErrorKey::ReaderDirectives).msg(msg).loc(name).loc_msg(v, "defined here").push();
} else {
let msg = format!("reader variable {name} not defined");
trait CharExt {
fn is_id_char(self) -> bool;
fn is_local_value_char(self) -> bool;
fn is_comparator_char(self) -> bool;
impl CharExt for char {
fn is_id_char(self) -> bool {
|| self.is_ascii_digit()
|| matches!(self, '.' | ':' | '_' | '-' | '&' | '/' | '|' | '\'' | '%' | '[' | ']')
fn is_local_value_char(self) -> bool {
self.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || self == '_'
fn is_comparator_char(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, '<' | '>' | '!' | '=' | '?')