use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use crate::block::{Block, BV};
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
use crate::ck3::validate::{
validate_activity_modifier, validate_ai_value_modifier, validate_compare_modifier,
validate_compatibility_modifier, validate_opinion_modifier, validate_scheme_modifier,
use crate::context::ScopeContext;
use crate::data::scripted_modifiers::ScriptedModifier;
use crate::everything::Everything;
use crate::game::Game;
use crate::item::Item;
use crate::lowercase::Lowercase;
use crate::report::{err, fatal, report, warn, Confidence, ErrorKey, Severity};
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
use crate::scopes::Scopes;
use crate::scopes::{scope_prefix, scope_to_scope};
use crate::script_value::{validate_non_dynamic_script_value, validate_script_value};
use crate::token::Token;
use crate::tooltipped::Tooltipped;
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
use crate::trigger::validate_target_ok_this;
use crate::trigger::{
partition, validate_argument, validate_argument_scope, validate_inscopes, validate_trigger,
validate_trigger_internal, warn_not_first, Part, PartFlags,
use crate::validator::Validator;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ListType {
impl Display for ListType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
match self {
ListType::None => write!(f, ""),
ListType::Any => write!(f, "any"),
ListType::Every => write!(f, "every"),
ListType::Ordered => write!(f, "ordered"),
ListType::Random => write!(f, "random"),
impl TryFrom<&str> for ListType {
type Error = std::fmt::Error;
fn try_from(from: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match from {
"" => Ok(ListType::None),
"any" => Ok(ListType::Any),
"every" => Ok(ListType::Every),
"ordered" => Ok(ListType::Ordered),
"random" => Ok(ListType::Random),
_ => Err(std::fmt::Error),
#[cfg(not(feature = "imperator"))]
pub fn validate_compare_duration(block: &Block, data: &Everything, sc: &mut ScopeContext) {
let mut vd = Validator::new(block, data);
let mut count = 0;
for field in &["days", "weeks", "months", "years"] {
if let Some(bv) = vd.field_any_cmp(field) {
validate_script_value(bv, data, sc);
count += 1;
if count != 1 {
let msg = "must have 1 of days, weeks, months, or years";
let key = if count == 0 { ErrorKey::FieldMissing } else { ErrorKey::Validation };
pub fn validate_mandatory_duration(block: &Block, vd: &mut Validator, sc: &mut ScopeContext) {
let mut count = 0;
for field in &["days", "weeks", "months", "years"] {
if vd.field_script_value(field, sc) {
count += 1;
if count != 1 {
let msg = "must have 1 of days, weeks, months, or years";
let key = if count == 0 { ErrorKey::FieldMissing } else { ErrorKey::Validation };
pub fn validate_duration(block: &Block, data: &Everything, sc: &mut ScopeContext) {
let mut vd = Validator::new(block, data);
validate_mandatory_duration(block, &mut vd, sc);
pub fn validate_optional_duration_int(vd: &mut Validator) {
let mut count = 0;
for field in &["days", "weeks", "months", "years"] {
vd.field_validated_value(field, |key, mut vd| {
count += 1;
if count > 1 {
let msg = "must have at most 1 of days, weeks, months, or years";
pub fn validate_optional_duration(vd: &mut Validator, sc: &mut ScopeContext) {
let mut count = 0;
#[cfg(not(feature = "imperator"))]
let options = &["days", "weeks", "months", "years"];
#[cfg(feature = "imperator")]
let options = &["days", "months", "years", "duration"];
for field in options {
vd.field_validated_key(field, |key, bv, data| {
validate_script_value(bv, data, sc);
count += 1;
if count > 1 {
let msg = "must have at most 1 of days, weeks, months, or years";
pub fn validate_color(block: &Block, _data: &Everything) {
let mut count = 0;
let tag = block.tag.as_deref().map_or("rgb", Token::as_str);
for item in block.iter_items() {
if let Some(t) = item.get_value() {
if tag == "hsv" {
if let Some(f) = t.get_number() {
if !(0.0..=1.0).contains(&f) {
let msg = "hsv values should be between 0.0 and 1.0";
let mut info = "";
if t.is_integer() {
info = "did you mean `hsv360`?";
} else {
warn(ErrorKey::Colors).msg("expected hsv value").loc(t).push();
} else if tag == "hsv360" {
if let Some(i) = t.get_integer() {
if count == 0 && !(0..=360).contains(&i) {
let msg = "hsv360 h values should be between 0 and 360";
} else if count > 0 && !(0..=100).contains(&i) {
let msg = "hsv360 s and v values should be between 0 and 100";
} else {
warn(ErrorKey::Colors).msg("expected hsv360 value").loc(t).push();
} else if let Some(i) = t.get_integer() {
if !(0..=255).contains(&i) {
let msg = "color values should be between 0 and 255";
} else if let Some(f) = t.get_number() {
if !(0.0..=1.0).contains(&f) {
let msg = "color values should be between 0.0 and 1.0";
} else {
warn(ErrorKey::Colors).msg("expected color value").loc(t).push();
count += 1;
if count != 3 && count != 4 {
warn(ErrorKey::Colors).msg("expected 3 or 4 color values").loc(block).push();
pub fn validate_possibly_named_color(bv: &BV, data: &Everything) {
match bv {
BV::Value(token) => data.verify_exists(Item::NamedColor, token),
BV::Block(block) => validate_color(block, data),
#[allow(unused_variables)] pub fn precheck_iterator_fields(
ltype: ListType,
name: &str,
block: &Block,
data: &Everything,
sc: &mut ScopeContext,
) {
match ltype {
ListType::Any => {
if let Some(bv) = block.get_field("percent") {
if let Some(token) = bv.get_value() {
if let Some(num) = token.get_number() {
if num > 1.0 {
let msg = "'percent' here needs to be between 0 and 1";
validate_script_value(bv, data, sc);
if let Some(bv) = block.get_field("count") {
match bv {
BV::Value(token) if"all") => (),
bv => validate_script_value(bv, data, sc),
ListType::Ordered => {
for field in &["min", "max"] {
if let Some(bv) = block.get_field(field) {
validate_script_value(bv, data, sc);
if let Some(bv) = block.get_field("position") {
if let Some(token) = bv.get_value() {
if !"end") {
validate_script_value(bv, data, sc);
} else {
validate_script_value(bv, data, sc);
ListType::Random | ListType::Every | ListType::None => (),
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if Game::is_ck3() && name == "county_in_region" {
for region in block.get_field_values("region") {
if !data.item_exists(Item::Region, region.as_str()) {
validate_target_ok_this(region, data, sc, Scopes::GeographicalRegion);
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if Game::is_ck3() && name == "succession_appointment_investors" {
if let Some(candidate) = block.get_field_value("candidate") {
validate_target_ok_this(candidate, data, sc, Scopes::Character);
if let Some(value) = block.get_field("value") {
validate_script_value(value, data, sc);
pub fn validate_iterator_fields(
caller: &Lowercase,
list_type: ListType,
_data: &Everything,
sc: &mut ScopeContext,
vd: &mut Validator,
tooltipped: &mut Tooltipped,
is_svalue: bool,
) {
if list_type == ListType::None {
vd.ban_field("custom", || "lists");
} else if vd.field_item("custom", Item::Localization) {
*tooltipped = Tooltipped::No;
if list_type != ListType::None && list_type != ListType::Any {
vd.multi_field_validated_block("alternative_limit", |b, data| {
validate_trigger(b, data, sc, *tooltipped);
} else {
vd.ban_field("alternative_limit", || "`every_`, `ordered_`, and `random_` lists");
if list_type == ListType::Any {
vd.field_any_cmp("percent"); vd.field_any_cmp("count"); } else {
vd.ban_field("percent", || "`any_` lists");
if caller != "while" {
vd.ban_field("count", || "`while` and `any_` lists");
if list_type == ListType::Ordered {
vd.field_script_value("order_by", sc);
vd.field("position"); vd.field("min"); vd.field("max"); vd.field_bool("check_range_bounds");
} else {
vd.ban_field("order_by", || "`ordered_` lists");
vd.ban_field("position", || "`ordered_` lists");
if caller != "random_list" && caller != "duel" && !is_svalue {
vd.ban_field("min", || "`ordered_` lists, `random_list`, and `duel`");
vd.ban_field("max", || "`ordered_` lists, `random_list`, and `duel`");
vd.ban_field("check_range_bounds", || "`ordered_` lists");
if list_type == ListType::Random {
vd.field_validated_block_sc("weight", sc, validate_modifiers_with_base);
} else {
vd.ban_field("weight", || "`random_` lists");
#[allow(unused_variables)] pub fn validate_inside_iterator(
name: &Lowercase,
listtype: ListType,
block: &Block,
data: &Everything,
sc: &mut ScopeContext,
vd: &mut Validator,
tooltipped: Tooltipped,
) {
if name == "in_list" {
vd.req_field_one_of(&["list", "variable"]);
if let Some(token) = vd.field_value("list") {
sc.replace_list_entry(token.as_str(), token);
} else if name == "in_local_list" || name == "in_global_list" {
vd.ban_field("list", || format!("{listtype}_in_list"));
} else {
vd.ban_field("list", || format!("{listtype}_in_list"));
vd.ban_field("variable", || {
"`{listtype}_in_list`, `{listtype}_in_local_list`, or `{listtype}_in_global_list`"
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if Game::is_ck3() {
if name == "in_de_facto_hierarchy" || name == "in_de_jure_hierarchy" {
vd.field_validated_block("filter", |block, data| {
validate_trigger(block, data, sc, tooltipped);
vd.field_validated_block("continue", |block, data| {
validate_trigger(block, data, sc, tooltipped);
} else {
let only_for = || {
format!("`{listtype}_in_de_facto_hierarchy` or `{listtype}_in_de_jure_hierarchy`")
vd.ban_field("filter", only_for);
vd.ban_field("continue", only_for);
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if Game::is_ck3() {
if name == "county_in_region" {
vd.multi_field_value("region"); } else {
vd.ban_field("region", || format!("`{listtype}_county_in_region`"));
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if Game::is_ck3() {
if name == "court_position_holder" {
vd.field_item("type", Item::CourtPosition);
} else if name == "relation" {
if !block.has_key("type") {
let msg = "required field `type` missing";
let info = format!(
"Verified for 1.9.2: with no type, {listtype}_relation will do nothing."
vd.multi_field_item("type", Item::Relation);
} else {
vd.ban_field("type", || {
format!("`{listtype}_court_position_holder` or `{listtype}_relation`")
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if Game::is_ck3() {
if name == "claim" {
vd.field_choice("explicit", &["yes", "no", "all"]);
vd.field_choice("pressed", &["yes", "no", "all"]);
} else {
vd.ban_field("explicit", || format!("`{listtype}_claim`"));
vd.ban_field("pressed", || format!("`{listtype}_claim`"));
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if Game::is_ck3() {
if name == "pool_character" {
if let Some(token) = vd.field_value("province") {
validate_target_ok_this(token, data, sc, Scopes::Province);
} else {
vd.ban_field("province", || format!("`{listtype}_pool_character`"));
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if Game::is_ck3() {
if sc.can_be(Scopes::Character) {
} else {
vd.ban_field("only_if_dead", || "lists of characters");
vd.ban_field("even_if_dead", || "lists of characters");
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if Game::is_ck3() {
if name == "character_struggle" {
vd.field_choice("involvement", &["involved", "interloper"]);
} else {
vd.ban_field("involvement", || format!("`{listtype}_character_struggle`"));
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if Game::is_ck3() {
if name == "connected_county" {
} else {
let only_for = || format!("`{listtype}_connected_county`");
vd.ban_field("invert", only_for);
vd.ban_field("max_naval_distance", only_for);
vd.ban_field("allow_one_county_land_gap", only_for);
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if Game::is_ck3() {
if name == "activity_phase_location"
|| name == "activity_phase_location_future"
|| name == "activity_phase_location_past"
} else {
let only_for =
|| format!("the `{listtype}_activity_phase_location` family of iterators");
vd.ban_field("unique", only_for);
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if Game::is_ck3() {
if name == "guest_subset" || name == "guest_subset_current_phase" {
vd.field_item("name", Item::GuestSubset);
} else {
vd.ban_field("name", || {
format!("`{listtype}_guest_subset` and `{listtype}_guest_subset_current_phase`")
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if Game::is_ck3() {
if name == "guest_subset" {
vd.field_value("phase"); } else {
vd.ban_field("phase", || format!("`{listtype}_guest_subset`"));
if Game::is_ck3() {
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if name == "trait_in_category" {
vd.field_value("category"); } else {
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if Game::is_ck3() {
if name == "succession_appointment_investors" {
vd.field_value("candidate"); vd.field_any_cmp("value"); } else {
vd.ban_field("candidate", || format!("`{listtype}_succession_appointment_investors`"));
pub fn validate_modifiers_with_base(block: &Block, data: &Everything, sc: &mut ScopeContext) {
let mut vd = Validator::new(block, data);
vd.field_validated("base", validate_non_dynamic_script_value);
vd.fields_script_value("add", sc);
vd.fields_script_value("factor", sc);
vd.fields_script_value("min", sc);
vd.fields_script_value("max", sc);
validate_modifiers(&mut vd, sc);
validate_scripted_modifier_calls(vd, data, sc);
pub fn validate_modifiers(vd: &mut Validator, sc: &mut ScopeContext) {
vd.multi_field_validated_block("first_valid", |b, data| {
let mut vd = Validator::new(b, data);
validate_modifiers(&mut vd, sc);
vd.multi_field_validated_block("modifier", |b, data| {
#[cfg(feature = "ck3")]
if Game::is_ck3() {
vd.multi_field_validated_block_sc("compare_modifier", sc, validate_compare_modifier);
vd.multi_field_validated_block_sc("opinion_modifier", sc, validate_opinion_modifier);
vd.multi_field_validated_block_sc("ai_value_modifier", sc, validate_ai_value_modifier);
vd.multi_field_validated_block_sc("scheme_modifier", sc, validate_scheme_modifier);
vd.multi_field_validated_block_sc("activity_modifier", sc, validate_activity_modifier);
vd.fields_script_value("min", sc);
vd.fields_script_value("max", sc);
#[cfg(feature = "vic3")]
pub fn validate_vic3_modifiers(vd: &mut Validator, sc: &mut ScopeContext) {
vd.multi_field_validated("modifier", |bv, data| {
validate_script_value(bv, data, sc);
pub fn validate_scripted_modifier_call(
key: &Token,
bv: &BV,
modifier: &ScriptedModifier,
data: &Everything,
sc: &mut ScopeContext,
) {
match bv {
BV::Value(token) => {
if !modifier.macro_parms().is_empty() {
fatal(ErrorKey::Macro).msg("expected macro arguments").loc(token).push();
} else if !"yes") {
warn(ErrorKey::Validation).msg("expected just modifier = yes").loc(token).push();
modifier.validate_call(key, data, sc);
BV::Block(block) => {
let parms = modifier.macro_parms();
if parms.is_empty() {
.msg("this scripted modifier does not need macro arguments")
.info("you can just use it as modifier = yes")
} else {
let mut vec = Vec::new();
let mut vd = Validator::new(block, data);
for parm in &parms {
if let Some(token) = vd.field_value(parm) {
} else {
let msg = format!("this scripted modifier needs parameter {parm}");
vd.unknown_value_fields(|key, _value| {
let msg = format!("this scripted modifier does not need parameter {key}");
let info = "supplying an unneeded parameter often causes a crash";
let args: Vec<_> = parms.into_iter().zip(vec).collect();
modifier.validate_macro_expansion(key, &args, data, sc);
pub fn validate_scripted_modifier_calls(
mut vd: Validator,
data: &Everything,
sc: &mut ScopeContext,
) {
vd.unknown_fields(|key, bv| {
if let Some(modifier) = data.scripted_modifiers.get(key.as_str()) {
validate_scripted_modifier_call(key, bv, modifier, data, sc);
} else {
let msg = format!("unknown field `{key}`");
pub fn validate_ai_chance(bv: &BV, data: &Everything, sc: &mut ScopeContext) {
match bv {
BV::Value(t) => _ = t.expect_number(),
BV::Block(b) => validate_modifiers_with_base(b, data, sc),
pub fn validate_scope_chain(
token: &Token,
data: &Everything,
sc: &mut ScopeContext,
qeq: bool,
) -> bool {
let part_vec = partition(token);
for i in 0..part_vec.len() {
let mut part_flags = PartFlags::empty();
if i == 0 {
part_flags |= PartFlags::First;
if i + 1 == part_vec.len() {
part_flags |= PartFlags::Last;
if qeq {
part_flags |= PartFlags::Question;
let part = &part_vec[i];
match part {
Part::TokenArgument(func, arg) => validate_argument(part_flags, func, arg, data, sc),
Part::Token(part) => {
let part_lc = Lowercase::new(part.as_str());
if let Some((prefix, arg)) = part.split_once(':') {
if let Some(entry) = scope_prefix(&prefix) {
validate_argument_scope(part_flags, entry, &prefix, &arg, data, sc);
} else {
let msg = format!("unknown prefix `{prefix}:`");
return false;
} else if part_lc == "root" {
} else if part_lc == "prev" {
if !part_flags.contains(PartFlags::First) && !Game::is_imperator() {
} else if part_lc == "this" {
} else if let Some((inscopes, outscope)) = scope_to_scope(part, sc.scopes()) {
validate_inscopes(part_flags, part, inscopes, sc);
sc.replace(outscope, part.clone());
} else {
let msg = format!("unknown token `{part}`");
return false;
pub fn validate_ifelse_sequence(block: &Block, key_if: &str, key_elseif: &str, key_else: &str) {
let mut seen_if = false;
for (key, block) in block.iter_definitions() {
if {
seen_if = true;
} else if {
if !seen_if {
let msg = format!("`{key_elseif} without preceding `{key_if}`");
seen_if = true;
} else if {
if !seen_if {
let msg = format!("`{key_else} without preceding `{key_if}`");
if block.has_key("limit") {
seen_if = true;
seen_if = false;
pub fn validate_numeric_range(
block: &Block,
data: &Everything,
min: f64,
max: f64,
sev: Severity,
conf: Confidence,
) {
let mut vd = Validator::new(block, data);
let mut count = 0;
let mut prev = 0.0;
for token in vd.values() {
if let Some(n) = token.expect_number() {
count += 1;
if !(min..=max).contains(&n) {
let msg = format!("expected number between {min} and {max}");
report(ErrorKey::Range, sev).conf(conf).msg(msg).loc(token).push();
if count == 1 {
prev = n;
} else if count == 2 && n < prev {
let msg = "expected second number to be bigger than first number";
report(ErrorKey::Range, sev).conf(conf).msg(msg).loc(token).push();
} else if count == 3 {
let msg = "expected exactly 2 numbers";
report(ErrorKey::Range, sev).strong().msg(msg).loc(block).push();